





「IBM also developed the leading messaging layer standard for the IoT, MQTT (also part of the IIC platform), and is reportedly exploring using the blockchain technology behind Bitcoin as a device-to-device mesh. That could see the company extending its tentacles well beyond its database and cloud heartland towards the physical edge of the IoT ? the mesh of connections which will link the objects to one another and to a longer range network like cellular or WiFi; and the all-important home or enterprise gateway, which will enable a supplier to gain control, and an element of lock-in, of a customer site. IBM is said to be working on highly intelligent gateways which will link back to its big data and cloud platforms.」
IBM looks beyond its uneasy IoT pact with GE - Rethink


Vita brevis, ars longa. Omnia vincit Amor.

フッ素 IoTのプラットホーム smart contracts 風力発電 シニョリッジ レッドオーシャン